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Support Center

  • Minimum Requirements
    Phone with iOS version 12.1 or later, or Android version x.x or later. The M app. An available WiFi or Ethernet network with access to the Internet The Ethernet cable is ready and accessible before the M device is installed in the boiler room. The Ethernet cable needs to reach the device.
  • Apple Store Link
  • Android App
  • Wiring Diagram
  • Mobile App - Creating Your Account
  • Mobile App - Connecting to the "M"
  • Mobile App - Connecting to WiFi
  • Mobile App - Setting Up Your Sensors
  • Mobile App - Setting Up Outdoor Reset
  • Mobile App - Setting Up to Control the Boiler
  • Change Season Mode (Winter/Summer)
    Some controls in the emc20/20 M  are only active during certain seasons. For example, apartment heating control is only active when the season is set to ‘winter’, but Aquastat control for hot water is active in all seasons. It is recommended to set the season mode in the M  to Winter from October 1st through May 31st, to match the NYC HPD requirements. Setting the season mode to Summer during summer, late spring, and early fall will help save on energy costs by preventing unnecessary calls for heat. To change the season mode: Open the M  app on your phone and go to the System page. Select the Select Season button next to the Season Mode entry Select the season that you want to make active and select OK
  • Understanding sensor voting and taking a sensor in and out of the vote
    The emc20/20 M  uses a voting system to determine whether heat should be applied or not. Each sensor for which voting is enabled is tallied to determine if 50% or more of the units with sensors require heat. When 50% or more of the units require heat, the heat will be enabled until the vote total drops below 50% of the total. Occasionally, a sensor may need to be removed from the voting process if it is damaged or missing. To change a sensor’s voting status, go to the System page in the M  app and scroll down to where the wireless sensors are listed: Select the gear icon to the right of the sensor for which you want to change the voting status. The sensor’s setup page will appear. Select the check mark next to Vote: to enable or disable voting for the sensor:
  • Set a boiler bypass
    The boiler can be bypassed remotely so that it is forced either ON or OFF. This can be helpful in troubleshooting problems with the boiler or heating system. If apartments are cold, the boiler can be bypassed ON to provide heat while the source of the problem is diagnosed and corrected. Conversely, if apartments are overheating the boiler can be forced OFF to give time to troubleshoot the source of the problem. To set a boiler bypass, go to the Status page of the M  app. The bypass can be initiated by either pressing the AUTO section next to the Boiler Relay or by pressing the Boiler Relay in the system graph at the bottom of the page: The Boiler Relay control screen will appear: Select the Bypass button to set up the bypass. Choices for Bypass Action: are SET ON, SET OFF, or, if a previous bypass is still active, CLEAR EXISTING BYPASS: The duration of the bypass can be set by selecting Bypass Duration: The options for the duration are: After setting the action and duration of the bypass, touch the Apply button to activate the bypass: The bypass will be confirmed with a message: The bypass will now be active for the specified duration. If a bypass needs to be canceled before the set duration, select the Bypass button and select the CLEAR EXISTING BYPASS option as the action.
  • Configure WiFi
    The emc20/20 M  supports both Ethernet and WiFi connection to the Internet. The best way to set up a WiFi connection is to connect to the M  by Bluetooth to set up the connection. To connect using Bluetooth, first go to the app’s System page and press the Bluetooth icon in the upper left corner: The app will then scan for any available M  devices and present them in a list. Note: If you have not previously connected to the M  via Bluetooth, or if the M  has just been powered up, it can take a few minutes for the scan to complete. Select the M  from the list to connect to it. You will then see the System page for the M: Select the Scan button next to the Wifi Network option. After a few seconds, the list of available Wifi networks will be shown. Select the network to which you want to connect from the list. You will then be prompted for the network’s password: Enter the password and then press the Connect button to connect to the network.
  • Setbacks
    Setbacks are changes to a temperature sensor’s setpoint based on the time or day of the week. They are typically used to turn down the heat during the middle of the night to save energy. They can be applied to any temperature sensor input. To create a setback, go to the System page of the app and click on the gear icon next to the sensor for which the setback is needed: Select the Add Setback button: The setback setup page will let you configure the setback parameters: The parameters are: Setback Setpoint – This is the temperature setpoint that will be used when the setback is active. Start Time – This is the time that the setback will become active. End Time – This is the time that the setback will stop being active. Schedule – This is the day(s) that the setback will be active. The options are Every Day, Weekends, Weekdays, and then specific days, Monday, Tuesday, etc. For example, to set a setback of 64⁰ from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am every night, the following parameters would be used: Pressing the Add Setback button will make the setback active, and it will show up on the sensor’s setup page: Pressing the red X next to the setback will remove it.
  • NYC Heating Season
    Building owners are legally required to provide heat and hot water to their tenants. Hot water must be provided 365 days a year at a constant minimum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat must be provided between October 1st and May 31st, which is called “Heating Season” under the following conditions: Day Between the hours of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm, if the outside temperature falls below 55 degrees, the inside temperature is required to be at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Night Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 am, the inside temperature is required to be at least 62 degrees Fahrenheit. No outside temperature requirement.
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